Molly Hatchet

I’ve always admired rock bands with cool names. Growing up, there were cool bands with awesome name like Molly Hatchet, one of my early favorities.
And now, the AV Club has put out a list of the “worst band names”. A few excerpts from the January 2006 list:
- Jew Driver
- MC Vagina
- Brutal Dildos
- Sh-Sh-Sh-Shark Attack!!!
- Poontang Wrangler
- Genital Hercules
- Arsonists Get All The Girls
- Fecal Corpse
- Maggot Twat
- Corpse Vomit
- The Christ Punchers
Well, you get the point. My favorite band name list though comes from Dave Barry, the original blogger, (albeit in newspaper columns). He even keeps a running list of good rock band names.
- The Cotton-Eating Moths of Australia
- The Turkey Spiders
- The Flaming Salmonella Units
- Excessive Deer Doots
- Rival Bat Dung Gatherers
- The Fecal Pellets
- The Wood Tick Snorkels
- Heave
- Squatting Turnips
- The Bones of Contention
- Pinot Noir and his Nuances of Toast
- The Fabulous Snake Doots
- Shy Fruiter and the Saplings
- Weasel Nostrils
- Three Fatty Acid Radicals
- The Flaming Booty Moths
- Earl Piedmont and the Diphthongs
- Slippery Spleens
- Sheep Eyeballs
- The Flaming Croutons
- Rodent Passion
- Flaming Squirrels
- Balky Charcoal
- St. Vincent and The Grenadines
- The Biscuit Whackers
- Gaseous Worms
- Raymond Burr's Legs
- Shark Puke
- Jimmy Music and the Stomach Contents
- Little Heed
- Short Shrift
- Gastric Contents
- The Urban Professionals
- The Phlegmtones
- The Federal Duck
- Crotch
- Effluent, Sliced Meat
- The Postal Patrons
- The Vestigial Organs
- Decomposing Tubers
- Diminished Penile Sensation
- Bill and the Bracts
- The Foliage Eaters
- Crab Shrapnel
- DeWayne Hurlmont and the Compunctions of Soul
- Contaminated Tumbleweeds
- Varlet and the Squeaking Codpieces
- Violently Fracturing Water Closets
- The Flying Shards
- The Fierce Prune-Eating Hamsters from Space
- Duane Ketter and his Wildlife Technicians
- Paint-Peeling Puffs of Flatulence
- Mosquito Hunter and the Unreliable Pollinators
- The Mighty Shaking Wattles (for the Rolling Stones)
- Bleeding Nipples
- Rapid Sucking Action
- Nuclear Underpants
- Marcel and the Turpitudes
- The Groin Whappers
- Thrusting Balloon Puppies
- Drastic Toilet Air
- The Eerie Groin Legumes
- Drawers Full of Slugs
- Groping for Elmo
- The Pig-Stinging Jellyfish
- Fugitive Squirrel and the Clearly Disturbed Beavers
- The Moos of Derision
- Elmo Wendorf and the Cow Fitters
- Disoriented Chickadees
- Pain and Suffering
- Mature Hamsters
- Weasel Feet
- Kung Fu Trees
- Combat Alfalfa
- Hearty Polyp Chuckles
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