Lefthanded and Colorblind

Monday, January 16, 2006


And about this whole colorblind thing. Yesterday in the NYTimes, one of those dreaded dot-charts appeared, ostensibly with the word GAY written in some secret color-code across the middle.

I couldn't (and still cannot) see anything and it made me remember a tear-filled day 30-some years ago when a man with a beard kept putting those dot-charts in front of me repeating "do you see anything?"

Human's are the only beings to process color as we consider it. So if I can only see certain colors does this make me sub-human? Sometimes I feel sub-human but it's usually due to too much wine consumption. But maybe I have other super-vision capabilities, like X-ray vision!

Well maybe not but I still think back to that dot-chart day, 30-some years ago and wonder why if there are actually numbers in these dot-charts or if its all part of a large conspiracy against me.


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