My Brain Is My Weapon

It’s not at all relevant to my story but it still reminds me. It reminds me of a time when I was speaking at a military conference in
On this trip, both my cell phone and computer had miraculously died 48 hours before my trip. El Al staff held me for questioning at Heathrow in
Once arrived, I remember going through the Tel Aviv airport customs with my Lebanese boss. Because of his passport, they questioned him relentlessly. They finally let him through with the comment “you think like an Israeli” after he commented “my brain” after they asked him if he had any weapons.
The conference subjects were non-controversial and rather boring; information technology. But none-the-less, the audience was overwhelming to me. At such a safe conference, I remember being astounded that our demonstration PDA’s were stolen. This was at a time when PDA’s and their applications were still novel and also before they had those nifty, glued-on wires that would protect such portable devices. I was astounded at the fact that someone would actually steal anything in the company of hundreds of armed people.
The most memorable moment of the conference was during my speech of my boss, the guy from
The whole conference room with 500 people went silent as he scrambled to move his mouse...
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