Bong Hits For Jesus

In this weeks Washington Post, I read a fascinating article about "the most important student free speech conflict to reach the Supreme Court since the height of the Vietnam War".
Bong Hits For Jesus
This was the "important message" being debated in our highest court. The defendant, Joseph Frederick fashioned a 14-foot scroll of paper and some duck tape with the devastating message.

Five years ago, Deborah Morse, principal of a Juneau, Alaska high school stormed across Glacier Avenue, off school property, to confiscate the banner from the anarchist Joseph. After eloquently paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson's admonition that "speech limited is speech lost".
She gave him detention and he sued.

Oh, how I miss high school (not).
Hmmm...bears a striking resemblance to the Zig-Zag man.
Anonymous, at 6:20 AM
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