Lefthanded and Colorblind

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Road Kill

I’ve eaten road kill before.

In fact, the law even supported me in my road-kill endeavor. A 1997 Minnesota law states:

“…allow a driver claiming a salvageable animal to keep it at no charge. The carcass can be released to another person at the scene, or by a conservation officer for distribution to various public benefit organizations.

Unsalvageable deer, and deer for which there is no immediate salvageable demand, must be referred to the road authority that has immediate responsibility.

Salvageable big game other than vehicle-killed deer are sold for the highest price obtainable. Their sale is reported on confiscation and sale reports. Minimum prices for these animals are: moose ($50) and bear ($10), plus $1 per claw if sold with the animal.”

No charge if the bear claw is not sold with the animal?

Unlike the guys in the stories below, I’ve never been aggressive about my road-kill. Once, many years ago, while driving around, a perfectly good pheasant decided to fly into my truck. I stopped, threw his carcass in the back and later cooked and ate him.

But it is somewhat heartening that human nature, whether in Estonia or in Michigan, is basically the same:

Estonian Driver Accidentally Runs Over 10 Wild Boars in One Day

Uuno Siitoja, the head of a hunting estate rode his BMW-520 in the south of the country making 90 kilometers per hour when the first accident happened, as reported in the Estonian newspaper SL Ohtuleht.

After turning on the road, Siitoja noticed a herd of wild boars on his way. He attempted to brake but still his car hit the boars. Six of the animals remained on the road, alive but gravely injured.

Siitoja asked a driver of an oncoming car to wait for him at the scene and drove home for a gun to put the animals to the death. When he was returning to the place, he saw another herd on the road. Again, he had no other chance than to hit them. Four boars died instantly upon the collision.

Siitoja was left unharmed and his car was damaged only slightly.

Ten boars and only slight damage to his BMW?

And this Michigan police report:

“CO Terry Short completed an investigation and is seeking a warrant for a man who attempted to run over a flock of turkeys with his car. The subject, after swerving twice to hit the flock, stopped his vehicle and ran after the birds. During his confession, the individual told CO Short that he was not aware the birds could fly and thought he could catch one of them.”


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