Mountain Momma v. Wilderness Woman

The other day I wrote about West Virginia's Mountain Momma. But now, Alaska weights in with the Wilderness Woman contest. I see a reality show competition in the future.
The contestants in the Wilderness Woman contest come to Talkeetna, Alaska in the dead of winter. They put on borrowed winter survival gear and compete for the title. The only requirement is that they be unmarried at the time.
During competition, these wild and wooly women have to hitch up a sled dog team, shoot a bow and arrow, crawl through a culvert, haul water, drive a snowmachine, clomp around in bunny boots and snowshoes, and make a sandwich for a reclining bachelor. The night activities include getting all decked out and going to bid on the eligible bachelors at the Bachelors' Auction. For their efforts, the Wilderness Woman winner receives a fur hat, a plaque, and sometimes a trip to
I've never been to Alaska, except one night spent in the Anchorage airport, but I may have to plan my first trip. Bunny boots and bow's and arrow's! I get goosebumps even thinking about the prospect...
Anonymous, at 9:24 AM
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