Angel Lust

The other day I was reading about this MySpace Music band called Angel Lust. An odd name I thought. I listened to a bit of their music and I began to research their name. The story behind the name is much better than their music.
You can have an erection even after you are dead!
From Wikipedia: A death erection is a post-mortem erection which occurs when a male individual dies vertically or face-down – the cadaver remaining in this position. During life, the pumping of blood by the heart ensures a relatively even distribution around the blood vessels of the human body.
And then I found the video. Video of Sudanese soldiers filing single file past a dead guy stripped naked in the bush. I'm not going to include the video as it's easy to picture this gore even without visual stimuli.
Battlefield Trophies
"Sometimes if males die traumatically, they will develope penile erections and occasionally ejaculate during the final throes of death. A male corpse with a semi or fully erect penis is called "Angel Lust", a slang term used by doctors, nurses, medical examiners, and morticians. It is a common practice during war time for soldiers to strip the enemy dead naked and put the bodies of the ones they find with "Angel Lust" on display as "War Trophies".
Angel lust is usually the result of a traumatic death, especially asphyxiation. High levels of arousal — not necessarily sexual — coupled with the final spasms of the nervous system result in some very unfortunate triggers being pulled. Ejaculation may even occur..
All corpses undergo a posthumuous accumulation of blood pulled earthward by gravity. When corpses are positioned upright or face down, blood is drawn to the lower extremities and/or the front, resulting sometimes in angel lust.
A vanquished foe displaying angel lust makes an excellent war trophy. There is no better way to humiliate your enemy than to display their posthumous boner. Possession of a corpse with angel lust is an excellent way to earn the respect and kudos of your comrades.
Additionally, a penis with post-mortem tumescence carries all the horror necessary to cast a wicked spell. Ideally the dark aura can be directed toward crushing the sex organs of a nemesis. Attending hangings in the town square is an excellent way to procure this little token. Bring a knife.
Angel Lust Music
From MySpace Music.
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