GOOGuzzler 767

The lore and legend surrounding Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page increases on a daily basis. Their Wikipedia page even promotes their environmental aptitude:
“Despite his success, Sergey has remained relatively unknown to the public eye. He is not known to be lavish with his wealth and drives an inexpensive, though environmentally friendly car — the Toyota Prius. According to his father, Sergey still rents a two-bedroom flat”. Wiki doesn't mention that Sergey also seems to have a cross-dressing fetish (above).
But this whole environmental schtick they promote does seem quite ironic. Especially when you consider that Sergey and Larry are so concerned about the environment and fuel economy that they provide cash discounts to their employees to encourage them to drive cars like the Toyota Prius. And at the same time they perform the billionaire version of Pimp My Ride with their new, 300 person, Boeing 767.
Search Engine Watch even has a contest to name this flying palace:
- Google Force One
- GoogleBot One
- Gplane
- Air Dancer
- Big Brother
- GoogleJet
- Joogle
- Floogle
- PanSpam
- Gplane
- Air Search One
The irony of this situation is in the details. The fact is that more than 1500 GOOG employees could drive their Priuses one hundred kilometers for every hour they operate that jet. Alternatively, you could circumnavigate the globe in one of these Toyota’s four times, for each hour of operation in the economical jet.
767 fuel consumption = 6800 liters per hour
Prius fuel consumption = 4.4 liters per 100km
Maybe now that Sergey has come out of the closet, he can also drop his 2-bed rental and move into the GOOGuzzler 767?
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