Lefthanded and Colorblind

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Stylish & Endearing Germaphobes

From the TranStrap website: "Meet attractive, stylish people who find germophobia endearing".

I’ve come to realize, there are two distinct types of people. Those phobic about germs and those who merely take precautions about the “things you cannot see”.

Take, for instance, this excerpt from a recent “wire” story:

“Anne Ryun has become obsessive about using hand sanitizer. She squirted Purell, the antiseptic goop, on people lined up to meet Vice President Dick Cheney this month at a fundraiser. And when Cheney was done meeting and greeting, he, too, rubbed his hands vigorously with the stuff.

That has become routine in this season of handshaking, practiced by Democrats and Republicans alike. It would be difficult to find an entourage that does not have at least one aide packing Purell.

‘It's condescending to the voters,’ said Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, a Democrat.”

Hmmm, Cheney versus Richardson. On which side do you fall?

For those of you on the Cheney-side-of-the-house, I’ve included a useful list of new products you can use to provide a comforting blanket for your neurosis. Companies are now creating the illusion that no-one need ever touch another surface, drink another drop of water or breathe another breath of air that has been sullied by a fellow human being.

City Mitts: First detailed in my blog Magical Silver Ions, these gloves can be worn in a variety of situations to keep you from actually coming in contact with the natural world.

HYSO. The name derived from the Cantonese acronym for “happy hands”, this devices sprays hospital-strength disinfectant on doorknobs every 15 minutes. Just think, no more opening-the-door-with-a-paper-towel or waiting for the next person to enter the room!

TranStrap. “The BYO Subway Strap. Do away with “reaching for a slimy overhead bar”.

SteriPEN. Ultra-Violet light safely & effectively destroys everything that is DNA-based. HOORAY!

Wein Air Supply. A Personal air purifier "can substantially reduce the inhalation of toxic particles such as smoke, dust, pollens, molds, allergens, fungi, germs and the most dangerous particles that would otherwise remain trapped in the lungs.

Sani-Shopping Cover. "When you use a Sani-Shopping Cover, your hands will be the only ones touching the shopping cart handle today!".

And finally, this from the Sunday, November 5, 2006: Favorite symbols of the (germaphobe) movement are television detective Monk, Howie Mandel and the mysophobe Howard Hughes.


  • You da' man!

    - HH, jr.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:00 AM  

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