Lauren, Alfred, David and Me
What seems like forever now, my friends, family, bosses, and people-who-want-to-insult-me have commented on my gap-toothed smile.
I have never been insulted or offended by my gap-tooth smile as it is what it is; my smile. I’m proud of my smile. I also share my gap-tooth smile with lots of famous people.
Too bad as I believe the legend of the gap-tooth grin began with her. See, the legend holds that a gap-tooth grin has a special purpose and meaning in a gap-tooth persons’ life. It means they have a very high sexual quotient.
yea, whatever,
keep telling yourself that...
over and over and over till you convince yourself and all your friends, family and coworkers.
- george
By Anonymous, at 9:20 PM
Interesting legend for gap tooth
By Anonymous, at 3:29 AM
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