Lefthanded and Colorblind

Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Predilection Toward Moose

LHCB seems to receive a disproportionate number of re-directs from search queries looking for moose, moose accidents, moose riding stories or some other moose-type query. Of all the people that have read this blog in the past year, 8 of the top 22 most popular queries that result in a LHCB re-direct have the word moose in them. Almost 30% of my readership!

I guess I didn’t exactly realize I had some sort of predisposition toward the big animal. I guess predisposition seems rash, unless you consider I grew up in a town called Moose Lake, went to Moose Lake High School, which was situated on Moose Head lake that was in turn, fed by Moose Head river. My dad, Aristotle, shot a moose once. I ate moose, saw them, got scare by them, ran from them, read about them in the newspaper and saw them swimming by in the local lake. My grandfather even ran a Moose Club at one point in his life.

I may actually have some moose-oriented condition. Moos-itis or something.

Showing a strong-second and coming in at number five on the yearly search list, people search on my ducks are hallugenigenic / duck dander story. There are definitely lots of folks out there searching for that next buzz on Google.

But overall, I definitely trend moose.


  • This whole Tom Sr./Aristotle thing is producing some very entertaining images in my head: A guy in flowing white hair and superior intellect sitting by the campfire with a growler of whiskey and coke and a pipe; playing golf in camo pants and participating in the shotgun assult of an SUV. :-)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:59 AM  

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