Million Dollar Pigeon

I do not like pigeons. I’ve always considered them as “sky rats”. I even allow my daughter to chase them.
But my informal survey indicates that most people don't realize the shat fate until much later...a mean of 35 years of age by my estimates.
Prolific Pigeons
We have a law because pigeons are prolific, laying eggs eight to twelve days after mating, the female lays one or two eggs. The male cares for and guards the female and the young leave the nest between the age of 4 and 6 weeks. More eggs are laid before these young ever leave the nest. An adult female pigeon can have about 15 surviving young a year. They average 3-5 years in the wild. Captive pigeons can live for 15 years but some have been known to live for up to 35 years.
That one lousy pigeon, living for 35 years and given populations of tourist spewing feed, could result in 1 307 674 368 000 resulting pigeons. More than one trillion pigeons.
Perhaps this is why the city of
Pigeons as food
In medieval times, manorial dovecotes provided a welcome supply of fresh meat in early spring, killed when they are about 4 weeks old and barely fledged. (Once pigeons have been on the wing for a while, their muscles toughen). Included is a recipe for squab with rice: this unusual dish from Shakespeare’s day is taken from a cookbook published in 1609. The squabs are cooked with a rice pudding, seasoned with sugar and mace.
Pigeon History
Pigeons and doves have been around for a long time-long before humans. Rock Pigeons are thought to have originated in southern
Pigeon Types
The world’s most expensive pigeon Louella Pigeon World in 1992. "Invincible Spirit" purchased for $132,000
Around the world there are about 5 races a year with Million Dollar Purses.
Pigeon Honours
CONGRATULATIONS this weekend for winning 1st COUNTRY, 1st OPEN goes to Club Vaal Posduif Unie from South Africa with their winning pigeon named April Babe, which was clocked at 07-57-37.05 to record 1366 ypm (approx. 46mph), being closely followed in 2nd by Crazy Al.